1. methInheritSim::dataSimExample
    A 'list' containing methylation information used by some internal functions (for demo purpose.
  2. methInheritSim::samplesForChrSynthetic
    All samples information, formated by 'methylKit', in a 'methylBase' format (for demo purpose).
    methylBase|9864 x 40
  3. RAIDS::demoKnownSuperPop1KG
    The known super population ancestry of the demo 1KG reference profiles.
  4. RAIDS::demoPCA1KG
    The PCA results of the demo 1KG reference dataset for demonstration purpose. Beware that the PCA has been run on a very small subset of the 1KG reference dataset and should not be used to call ancestry inference on a real profile.
  5. RAIDS::demoPCASyntheticProfiles
    The PCA result of demo synthetic profiles projected on the demo subset 1KG reference PCA.
  6. RAIDS::demoPedigreeEx1
    The pedigree information about a demo profile called 'ex1'.
  7. RAIDS::matKNNSynthetic
    A small 'data.frame' containing the inferred ancestry on the synthetic profiles.
  8. RAIDS::pedSynthetic
    A small 'data.frame' containing the information related to synthetic profiles. The ancestry of the profiles used to generate the synthetic profiles must be present.
  9. RAIDS::snpPositionDemo
    A small 'data.frame' containing the SNV information.